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Announcing: Two Christmas Eve Services

Dear Redemption family,

With Christmas Eve falling on Sunday morning this year, it seems clear that it will be important for us to host two services. As you know, we are already operating a close-to-capacity on a typical Sunday morning, and we often have quite a few additional visitors and family members join us for these special Christmas Eve services. Not to mention, we typically do not provide children's ministry on Christmas Eve either, as most volunteers want to be part of the service and most families prefer to be together anyhow. This means that, even without any additional visitors, we would be accomodating another 50-60 children in the service.

With all that in mind, here are a few important details about our plans for Christmas Eve:

1. We will host two services, one at 9am and another at 10:30am. You can probably recall, Christmas Eve services are a bit shorter than normal. We will host a one hour service at 9am, then leave about 30 min for fellowship before we begin a second one-hour service at 10:30am. Both services will be the same.

2. The basement will be open and available for families. While we will not have any programmed children's ministry, we do still want to take advantage of all the space we have available to us. For that reason, the basement will be open for families to use as needed, especially those with young children. The livestream will be on in multiple rooms; parents are welcome to enjoy the service while their kids play together. We will not have any volunteers available to care for children that morning; parents must supervise with their children at all times. That said, we do hope this additional space is helpful to those of you who would benefit from it.

3. Parents, please let us know which service your child(ren) will sing in. We will have children ages 2 through 4th grade sing during both services. But since there are two now, we will need to know which service your family plans to attend so that we can plan accordingly. Parents of children in this age-range, please click here to let us know which service you plan to attend and how many children in your family will be singing. If your family will not be joining us this Christmas Eve, please fill out the form any how. That would be helpful to know as well!

We hope these plans will make our Christmas Eve as smooth and enjoyable as possible, and also allow us to more confidently invite visitors and family members to come with us.. Let's pray that God would be at work through these services! And as always, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out any time.

In Christ,

Pastor Danny

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