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Online-only Service This Sunday, August 30th - Learn more

Below is an email that I sent to everyone who attended our service on Sunday, August 23rd. Please take a moment to read through it, and please be praying for our church this week.

In short, someone who attended last Sunday's service has tested positive for COVID-19. We're recommending that everyone else who was present on Sunday take 10 days to monitor their health. We will also host an online-only service this Sunday, August 30th. All church-related activities are also canceled for this week, including small groups and Sunday Funday.


Hi friends, Unfortunately, someone who attended our service last Sunday, August 23rd tested positive for COVID-19 not along after. I'm in touch with this person and will be kept up to speed on their condition in the coming days. Please be praying for them!

To prevent any further spread, we’re also recommending that all of you who attended the August 23rd service take 10 days to monitor your health. If you show any symptoms, please consider getting tested for COVID-19. And of course, if you do test positive ─ either this week, or at any point in the future ─ please notify me so that I can be praying for you and planning accordingly. This Sunday, August 30th, we will be hosting an online-only service. Please join us via Facebook Live. I do hope to see you for our in-person service next week Sunday, September 6th. Here is the link to reserve your seats for that service. I want to ask all of you for an extra measure of grace and patience this week. It’s incredibly difficult to know the best way to lead through a season like this. I’m so sorry for any inconvenience, disappointment, or anxiety this may cause! Canceling service is the last thing I want to do, of course. But I love each of you, and I want to do everything I can to keep you safe and healthy. To maintain privacy, unfortunately, I will not be able to share the name of the person who tested positive. However, I have asked them to notify the people they’re confident they had close personal contact with over the weekend. Please be praying for our church ─ especially our friend with COVID, and everyone involved in the online-only service this Sunday. If there’s anything I can do to care for you, or help bear any burdens, please feel free to reply here and let me know. Let’s put the passage from last Sunday’s service into action this week, and totally trust in our totally sovereign Lord:

“...In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 9:37-39).

I'm here for you guys.

In Christ,

Pastor Danny D'Acquisto



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